Catrina Guenther

Catrina Guenther

catrinaguenther FORMER WRITER Cat is based in Michigan and loves traveling. She hopes to bring you on a journey through her articles as she believes the world is a beautiful conglomeration of people and cultures waiting to be explored. Outside of travel, she likes riding horses, going for a run, or working on one of her small businesses.

Recent Travel Guides by Catrina Guenther

A port with docked ships near skyscrapers and buildings on a sunny day
A white lighthouse near a house and trees
A large building with pillars near trees and a statue of a man on a horse
A lighthouse and small houses next to grass and the ocean under a blue sky
City buildings next to a lake, a pathway, and palm trees
City buildings and a modern white structure near a body of water

Places to Stay by Catrina Guenther